A series of publications produced by NACO are available for download.
Transfer of Freedom of Entry to Amalgamated Regiments
Assessing the Value of Engagements
The Advent of the Electronic Civic Diary - please note that the software referred to in this document is no longer supported by Leicester City Council. It remains relevant in detailing elements that might be included in any newly developed software package
Civic Handbooks: A best practice guide
Notes on Marking the Death of a Senior National Figure (please contact vicechair@naco.uk.com for these)
NACO also recommends:
Civic Ceremonial, (edition five)
Paul Millward
ISBN-10: 0721901646
ISBN-13: 978-0721901640
315 pages, Hardcover, £29.95
Sweet and Maxwell, Tel: 0845 600 9355